Bridge Programs and Why They Matter


The state of our country’s infrastructure has been a hot topic lately, and for good reason. Truck traffic is getting heavier, bridges and structures are aging, and it’s not unheard of to learn of a structural failure or collapse.

Do you know what condition your infrastructure is in? Are you aware of what kind of truck traffic it can support, or if there are any measures that can be taken to increase its useful lifespan?

State and Federal Requirements

Every qualified bridge or culvert owned by Local Public Agencies (LPAs), such as counties or cities in the tri-state area, must meet state and federal requirements for inspections, maintenance, load ratings, and load postings. It is up to each bridge or culvert owner to stay up-to-date on their jurisdiction’s requirements, generally so they can continue receiving funding for new transportation projects.

Inspection Plans by a Professional

Bridge inspectors and structural engineers can help you determine a suitable inspection plan. During inspections, maintenance measures can be identified to prolong the life of your bridge or culvert, such as keeping channels free of debris, cleaning or replacing bridge joints, concrete repair, scour protection, and many other options. In between inspections, proper maintenance measures should be followed to allow the public to continue to use an asset for as long as safely possible. Developing issues can be monitored to determine your structure’s remaining useful life, and to identify funding options for repair or replacement to meet current and future needs.

Another crucial piece of information that should be a part of each inspection file is a structure’s load carrying capability. Each jurisdiction will dictate which types and weights of vehicles a structure should legally be able to support. When a structure can no longer support (or was not designed to support) a particular legal truck load, proper signage must be posted for the bridge or culvert indicating its safe load carrying capacity. Failure to post this could result in damage to the structure from overloading, possibly decreasing its life span or even resulting in a collapse.

To determine the safe load carrying capacity, calculations are performed to analyze structural members such as girders, decking, truss members, or floorbeams to verify their strength and compare that to the loads imposed by truck traffic. This is known as a load rating.

New! Requirements for SHVs

Recently, the Iowa DOT updated its load rating requirements to include more rating vehicles, called the Special Haul Vehicles (SHVs). The deadline to update applicable load ratings to include SHVs is Dec. 31, 2020, so consideration should be given now to budget for rating updates to stay in compliance.

Special Permits

As a bridge or culvert owner, you may also be contacted by individuals wishing to cross your structures with special permit vehicles. A special load rating must be completed to verify your structure can support unique permit loads. If a standard load rating has been calculated for the structure already, it will be that much easier and faster to update it for a special permit request. The costs to run a permit analysis often can be passed on to the permit applicant.

Safety First

Having your infrastructure properly inspected, maintained, and being informed of its safe load carrying capacity is paramount to the safety of the traveling public. Origin has a team of bridge inspectors and structural engineers that can help ensure your structures are meeting your jurisdiction’s requirements. This is important so you may continue to receive funding for future transportation projects to keep residents safe and traffic flowing.


Do you need help managing your bridge program?


Courtney Wand, PE, SE is a structural engineer on Origin Design’s Transportation Team. She has assisted several counties and municipalities in the tri-state area with their bridge programs, including performing load rating calculations on steel, concrete, pre-stressed concrete, timber, and truss type bridges.

Follow our journey.

#workingontomorrow Check out these photos of this bridge replacement project in Coggon, Iowa. Origin Design worked with the City of Coggon to develop a cost-effective solution to replace the existing bridge!

#origindesign #creatingabettertomorrow #transportation #traffic #landsurvey

Brian Balser is celebrating 5 years at Origin Design! We're so lucky to have you on our #origincrew! Happy Anniversary, Brian!

#origindesign #workingontomorrow #itstartshere

Happy 5th Anniversary, Gertrude Heimerdinger! We're so lucky to have you on our #origincrew! Join us in congratulating Gertrude on reaching this milestone!

#origindesign #workingontomorrow #itstartshere

#workingontomorrow Check out these photos of the new operations facility for Mediacom in Dubuque, Iowa. Portzen Construction and Origin Design collaborated on this design-build project!

#origindesign #creatingabettertomorrow #architecture #structural #landdevelopment

Last week, some of our employees spent their Friday night volunteering at Reflections in the Park!

Reflections in the Park is a drive-thru Festival of Lights that raises funds for Hillcrest Family Services, a non-profit organization that provides a continuum of brain health services to educate, coordinate services, and deliver treatment to individuals with brain health needs.

If you find yourself in the Dubuque Area this holiday season, be sure to check it out! And keep an eye out for the Origin Design Grinch Display!

#origindesign #creatingabettertomorrow

#werehiring We're looking for an experienced IT Operations Manager to join our #origincrew! Think you may be the right fit? Check out the link below and apply now!

#origindesign #yourfuturestartshere

We wrapped up our 1st week of our annual December Giveaways last Friday! Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we host our 15 Days of Holiday Giveaways to celebrate our employee's success throughout the year! Check out a couple of our first week prize winners!

#origindesign #creatingabettertomorrow

Andrew Busch is celebrating 15 years at Origin Design! We're so lucky to have you on our #origincrew! Happy Anniversary, Andrew!

#origindesign #workingontomorrow #itstartshere

Join us in welcoming Josh Layer to Origin Design as a Client Advocate! Welcome to the #origincrew, Josh!

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Olivia Warren recently joined Origin Design as a Client Advocate! Welcome to the #origincrew, Olivia!

#origindesign #creatingabettertomorrow #yourfuturestartshere


We're grateful to have assisted @Russell Construction with the site design and development of the 95-acre Russell-Frye-Armstrong Industrial Park in Davenport, Iowa. Origin assisted in the planning for the development and design of the roadways, utilities and stormwater improvements.

Check out these incredible photos and learn more about the project here:

#origindesign #municipal #landdevelopment #landsurvey


Check out this Historic Bridge Rehabilitation we recently completed in Elkader, Iowa. Origin partnered with the City of Elkader, Atkinson-Noland & Associates, the Iowa Department of Transportation, and the State Historical Preservation Office on this project which allowed the Keystone Bridge to remain an Elkader Landmark!

Learn more about the project here:

#origindesign #creatingabettertomorrow #bridgerehabilitation #transportation #fieldservices #landsurvey

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