Expanding a local industrial park due to high demand.
After property in the existing industrial park became in short supply, the City of Dubuque partnered with Origin Design to look at expansion options.
The Origin Design team began by investigating the site characteristics, developing a master plan, analyzing alternatives and creating a conceptual design. Origin Design then assisted with the final design, testing and construction administration.
Using a variety of design techniques, Origin Design’s engineers maximized the buildable area for the property, while minimizing the grading costs.

project overview
Origin Design integrated storm water management methods that provided effective economic and sustainable features, improved storm water runoff quality which led to credit toward LEED certification.
The Industrial Park also included identification of significant passive recreation facilities along the South Fork Catfish Creek. A pedestrian and bicycle trail system would connect to existing adjacent systems including a woodland portion of the complex allocated for recreation facilities that was consistent with the City’s comprehensive plan. A portion of the complex was dedicated to provide a wetland mitigation bank to enable responsible project development.
Focused on maximizing the long-term potential, Origin Design worked closely with the City to identify and plan for future highway, bridge and arterial improvements to the North and South of the industrial park. This included collaborating with three economic development directors, the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency and the Iowa Department of Transportation.
Origin Design’s work did not end with design, they also assisted the City of Dubuque with RISE (Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy) Grant Application to provide funding because of the project’s ability to promote job growth.
The final expansion plan, with 78 acres of salable land, not only met its short-term needs, but also provided long-term development opportunities.