#workingontomorrow Check out these photos of this bridge replacement project in Coggon, Iowa. Origin Design worked with the City of Coggon to develop a cost-effective solution to replace the existing bridge!
#origindesign #creatingabettertomorrow #transportation #traffic #landsurvey
The process in performing this work may include:
- Locating existing right-of-way from records that establish road right-of-ways.
- Researching State, County and Local government records.
- Preparing necessary acquisition and right-of-way plats.
- Preparing legal descriptions.
- Preparing temporary and permanent easement exhibits.
- Field locating existing survey monumentation.
- Setting final right-of-way survey monumentation.
- Establishing roadway alignments.
Types of Acquisition/Right-of-Way Plats
- Right-of-way plats
- Acquisition plats
- Route surveys